From: "Stefan Stuntz" 
Date:   Thu, 29 Feb 1996 16:36:45 +0100
X-Mailer: IntuiNews 1.3b Beta 5 (3.1.96)
Subject: Re: Balance Objects
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Damon Davies wrote in article <>:

> I have been using the Balance objects in a program I am writting, they are
> a very cool gadget!. I have a problem tho, I do not seem to be able to save
> the balances, every time my program loads I have to reposition the balance
> gadget to my prefered position, I have tried adding a MUIA_ObjectID tag
> to the balance gadget, the gadgets around it, and the groups that they
> belong too, it doesn't work, suggestions appreciated!

You can read and save the weights of the objects in the balanced group.
However, for the next MUI, I think of saving this balance stuff together
with window positions during a snapshot.

Greetings, Stefan